Market Overview
Market Overview Screen
Market Overview
Betting exchanges provide lots of information that could be useful when deciding how to trade a particular market. Bet Angel Professional can now display a wide range of information from last traded price to volume percentages.

Column Headings
Name – Name of market selection
Back- Currently available back priceLay- Currently available lay price
L.T.P.- Last Traded Price. The last price matched on the exchange.
I.P.%- Implied Probability (1/L.T.P.).
High* – Highest traded price.
Low* – Low traded price.
Range %- Where the current price sits in the range between high and low prices.For example if the range is 3.0 – 3.6 and the current price is 3.6 the range will read 100%. Or 0% if current price is 3.0.
Volume – Actual amount of money matched.
Volume % – Per cent of total market volume traded on that particular selection.
Proj. SP – Projected Betfair Starting Price.
Actual SP – Actual Starting Price (populates once event is underway).*A volume filter has been applied to High and Low traded price to remove low volume price spikes.
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